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What’s New in MWF For Revit 2024

We are excited to release the latest update to our Revit® framing software for light gauge steel and wood construction—MWF (Version 2.40, Build 8675), which includes a host of new features and UI improvements to MWF’s wall and floor framing modules. Read the article below for an overview:

General MWF Updates 

  • MWF families are now in the cloud 

    All MWF families can now be downloaded from a cloud location. A search engine will also be available, significantly enhancing the ability to locate the necessary families for a project. User will be able to load multiple family categories at once.

    Revit framing software with families stored in cloud

  • Rename Panel Updates
    Renumbering panels for sequencing purposes will allow users to batch rename panels. An option to restart sequencing will appear once one of the panels is renumbered and users click OK. Panels will always be arranged by Prefix and number sequence.

MWF Revit framing software rename panel update

  • A new column is added, allowing users to visualize which panels are already on a sheet. Panel that are already on a sheet will get renumbered automatically with the new panel name. In the Shop Drawings of existing panels, all views will be updated as well.

MWF Revit framing software panel update interface

MWF Revit Framing Software Panel Update menu

  • Material Thickness
    Material thickness will now be displayed inside the family paramet

MWF Revit framing software material thickness parameter menu

MWF Wall Module

  •  Ability to rename Join Markers

    Users will now be able to rename Join Markers in the Marker Manager:

StrucSoft Revit framing software rename join markers feature

  • Shop Drawings are no longer under the Multilayer Menu

    Drawing Operations and Shop Drawings are now in Wall Manufacture and no longer under Wall Multilayer menu.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software shop drawings interface location

  • Ability to run Member Positioning on Locked Panels

    StrucSoft Revit framing software member positioning on locked panels setting

  • Added ability to split Blocking between Join Members

    A new option in the blocking configuration has been added. Users will now be able to split blocking members at join studs.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software split blocking between join members feature

  • Add Member Distribution command has been renamed

    Add member Distribution has been renamed to Add Schedule Label for better clarity and it has been moved to the Drawing Operations drop-down menu

     StrucSoft Revit framing software renamed member distribution command

  • New Placement patterns for Holdowns

    Two new placement patterns for Holdowns have been added; “Hard Side” and “Open Side”, for greater placement flexibility, particularly useful when certain members are rotated along a panel.

    MWF Revit framing software new placement patterns for holdowns

  • Vertical split marker updates

    The vertical split marker is now supported by the Multilayer engine and will now recognize the sheathing and secondary layer allowing users to split the sheathing and secondary along with the structural layer.
    StrucSoft Revit framing software vertical split panel marker updates

  • Sub-assembly option available in extra studs command

    Users are now able to create sub assemblies directly from the Extra Studs command within panel’s Properties. The dialog box has been updated for better visualization.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software sub assembly option available in extra studs command

  • Project panel names command is now compatible with MultiLayer panels

    The Project Panel Names command is now compatible with MultiLayer panels when setting the naming to “Position Only” or “Normal with Positioning”.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software project panel names command update

  • Hole Series update within Blocking configuration

    A “Manage” button has been added for the Punch Hole option in the Manage Blocking Configurations window for easy access to Hole Series Settings

    Strucsoft revit framing software blocking configuration


  • Trapezoidal wood Marker updates

    Users will now be able to set the number of Jacks at the top of the bearing beam opening to a value of ‘0’ for both the left and right side.

    Trapezoidal wood marker update

MWF Floor Module:

  • Floor visibility menu

    A new “Floor Visibility” menu has been added to the Floor Module ribbon for visual consistency purposes. Panel Manager command has been also added to it.

    StrucSoft framing software Floor visibility menu

  • Create marker lines dialog box update

    A New option to manage Bridging and Holes Series types has been added to the Create Marker Lines and Marker Lines Properties dialog box.

    StrucSoft framing software marker lines feature dialog box update

  • Edits wand is now compatible with Sheathing

    Users are now able to use Edits Wand for sheathing, edits performed on floor sheets will now survive regeneration after using the edit wand command.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software floor edits wand compatible with sheathing

  • Add member distribution command has been renamed

    Add member Distribution has been renamed to Add Schedule Label for better clarity and it has been moved to the Drawing Operations drop-down menu.

    StrucSoft framing software renamed member distribution command for floors

MWF Truss Module

  • Ability to import external trusses

    Users can an now download an external Everest Truss by selecting a .txml file and importing an existing truss into the project. The truss will be placed at a location chosen by the user.

    StrucSoft Revit framing software added ability to Import external trusses

  • Updated Truss spacing for Valley sets

    You can now start spacing out valley trusses from the ridge where the valley intersects the roof section.

    Revit framing software menu showcasing truss spacing for valley sets

  • ASCE 7-16 code update

    Added Wind and Snow load combinations to the ASCE 7-16 code in the Truss Engineering engine.

    Framing software interace displaying update to truss module ASCE 7-16 code update


MWF Wall Module

  • Disassemble Wall 
    The ability to disassemble a wall at the core layer to create an exterior and interior wall type of the assembly. The new tool will allow users to separate Revit walls according to layer function, providing more flexibility for users to handle the structural layer separately from the Finish/Substrate layers.

MWF Framing Software Disassemble Wall menu

  • Independent Sheathing
    Users can now place sheathing to a facade wall without the requirement of a structural mapped layer. The sheathing boards will still find the structure on the adjoined wall to splice the boards. This option can be used as a complement to the Disassemble Wall tool, allowing users to map layers individually

MWF Framing Software interface displaying Independent sheathing menu

  • Split Horizontal Tool
    This new option available in the Markers menu will allow users to split Revit Walls horizontally along selected levels and/or reference planes, allowing for a faster cleanup of the Revit model in preparation for framing. Users will be able to chose between two options: Split at Selected Levels/Reference Planes or Split at Picked Level.

MWF Framing Software menu displaying the Split Horizontal tool

    • Split at Selected Levels/Reference Planes:
      With this option, users will be able to select existing levels/reference planes from a table to determine where the selected walls should get split. When using this option, it will be also possible to input a Top and/or Bottom Offset to selected levels.

MWF Framing Software menu displaying the split at reference level setting

    • Split at Picked Levels:
      With this option, users will be asked to select the level/reference planes where they would like to split the selected walls using their current Revit view.

MWF Framing Software menu split at picked levels setting

  • Split Sheathing Panel
    Users can now split individual sheathing panels once the sheathing is populated on a given wall.  After splitting the sheathing panels, users can use the edit wand and the newly created layout will survive.

MWF Software

  • Control Joint Option for Wood
    The Control Joint option is now available in the Wood module. 

MWF Framing software interface showcasing a new marker line feature

  • Template Data
    After creating MWF panels, walls will be populated with an instance parameter called BIMSF_Template, allowing users to check what template is being used for a specific panel.

  • Alignment option  in Secondary Templates Settings
    Users can now select a specific alignment in the Secondary Template settings allowing for greater flexibility.

  • Modular Tool Lock Panels Option
    Users will now be able to determine if they would like to lock or not lock panels when using the Set Source Panel as Parent option (changes apply to Standard and Multilayer Modular tools).

MWF Framing software interface showing displaying the lock panels option

  • Vertical Marker Lines Now Recognize Adjacent Panels
    Vertical Marker Lines that cross adjacent panels above and/or below are now recognized in those adjacent panels for the placement of stud packs.

MWF Framing software interface showcasing a new marker line feature

  • Eave Angle, Gap And Split Bottom Track Commands Haven Been Migrated To Tracks Tool.
    The Eave Angle, Gap and Split Bottom Track commands previously available in the Structural tab are now available in the Tracks command on the Miscellaneous tab.

MWF framing software interface with the tracks tool menu

  • First Stud Offset Now Available in the Studs Tool
    Users can now find the First Stud Offset command within the Studs tool in the Miscellaneous tab.

MWF software interface with the wall studs tool

  • Split Horizontal Command Now Available In the Horizontals Tool
    The Split Horizontal command has been migrated from the Structural Tab to the Horizontals tool in Miscellaneous tab for better coherence. 
MWF framing software interface with the split horizontal command
  • Notching Tool Improvements 
    An option has been added that allows a user to notch the vertical header to the top track. 
    MWF framing software interface with improvements to the notching tool
    • An option has been added that allows a user to select which member the cripple will notch into – allowing for greater flexibilityMWF framing software displaying the notching tool with option for cripples
  • New “Composite” Hole Type
    This new hole type combines a rectangular hole and a slot hole. Users can use this hole type either with the marker lines, or through the panel’s Properties with the desired configuration.

MWF framing software with composite hole types

  • New Hole Series Configuration – Directional Holes
    The new configuration will allow users to add directional and control their placement. Holes can be applied to a specific side of the panel and at specific members (Top, Bottom Tracks. Headers and/or Sills).
MWF framing software interface showing directional holes
  • New Lifting Hole Type
    The new option will allow users to modify the hole diameter, depth and lifting placement.

MWF framing software menu with a new lifting hole type feature

  • Updates on Wood Bearing Beam Markers
    New options have been added to the Wood Bearing Beam markers, including the ability of settings up Jacks Studs to 0, setting up different family types for Sills and when adding more than one king or Jack, using different family types for each one. Changes made through Edits Wand command will also now be supported by the Markers.

MWF framing software menu showing wood bearing beam markers

  • New Options in Nail Line Settings
    Users will be able to set an Opening Corner Offset and an Offset Width Tolerance

MWF framing software showcasing nail line settings

Wall Shop Drawings

  • Option to Add an Indication for the Interior Side of the Wall
    This option allows users to distinguish the inside of a panel with a directional arrow, the option has been added to the plan view, the reflected ceiling plan view, and the section side view.

MWF framing software interface with wall shop drawings

  • New Dimensions
    • Dimensions for the left and/or right sheathing bounds dimensions have been added to the Section Side view and Elevation View.
      MWF framing software interface with wall shop drawings sheathing bounds option
    • Dimensions for Stud Length at the right or left of the panel have been added to the Elevation view. 
      MWF shop drawings stud length option

Floor Module

  • Rename Panels Command Available for Floor Panels
    The Rename Panels command functionality is now available in the Floor Module. Users can now have an excel-type window to rename a collection of floor panels.

MWF menu showing floor panels renaming feature

  • Marker Lines Command
    Marker Lines related options are now available under the “Markers” option for better coherence with the wall Module.

mwf menu showcasing marker lines command feature

Floor Shop Drawings

  • New Options for Label Placement in Floor Plan View
    Users can now place floor labels either “Above” or “Below” the joists for the labelling method in shop drawings, providing better visibility in shop drawings.

MWF software with floor shop drawings menu

Truss Module

  • The Truss Module Now Has the Addition of the ASCE 7-16 Building Code
    MWF truss module menu with the addition of the ASCE 7-16 building code
  • Rename All Option
    A new option to “Auto Rename All” has been added to speed the naming of Trusses; users no longer must auto rename one by one.
    MWF truss rename option

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